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Saturday, December 18, 2010

More Quartzsite...

Wed Dec 15
This morning we did laundry and had some downtime. We also found a more padded bicycle seat for me. Then in the afternoon we took an 8-mile bicycle hike. At the end my back side felt much better than the two earlier times. I might just be able to get used to this bicycling thing. It is overcast and cooler today than it has been but still pleasant. We finished the day by inviting Phil to dinner in town (good BBQ ribs) and a movie afterward.
Thu Dec 16
It was raining and a little cooler (60's) than the last few days. We first went to a craft and painting class at the QIA (Quartzsite Improvement Association). After that I wanted to look at RV's (Dad didn't know why). Anyway we talked to an RV salesman for about two hours and got a free lunch for looking at a motor home. Dad says I am thinking we are richer than he does but it was nice. Anyway this was just "entertainment" wasn't it? After that we visited the Tyson's Well Stage Station Museum in town. This was a historic stage stop with a good well that was welcome to early desert travelers. There were many historic artifacts and photos to see in the original adobe brick building that has been restored. In the afternoon we took a good two-mile hike down the Old Yuma Road past where Phil is camped. On the way back we stopped for a brief visit with him and then returned to camp just about dark. In the evening we went to a "Desert Music" show at the QIA center. This consisted of a five-person band, four guitarists and a lady on the keyboard. The band accompanied a number of artists playing guitar or fiddle while singing in turn. The show started out with a couple of Christmas songs by the band and then the main show was a Western theme. Nearly all performers, band members and songs they sang predated me but suited the average audience very well if you get my drift. However we did have a fun time and very much enjoyed the show. After the show we toured the town to check out all the entries in the city Christmas Lighting Contest. A number of entries were in RV parks. Now when was the last time you toured trailer parks in Pocatello to see Christmas lights? Well here that's where the rich people live. It was also strange to me to see so many palm trees decorated with Christmas lights. Some displays were very pretty and we picked our choice to vote for.
Fri Dec 17
We took it easy around camp in the morning. Then I prepared a casserole for the ward pot luck Christmas party later today. We then took an 11-mile bicycle ride with Phil that pretty much traced the outer perimeter of the town of Quartzsite from camp and back. This time it was Dad's turn for a minor crash just as we were returning to camp. In the evening we went to the ward Christmas party. There were a lot of people there and plenty of choices for our meal. After dinner there was a program featuring a number of musical numbers by branch members and visitors. All were Christmas related and we had a good time. However it seems hard to get the Christmas spirit without the traditional home environment and weather.

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