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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Quartzsite Continued...

Sat Dec 11
This morning I cut Dad's hair outside the motor home. Then we toured again with Phil. We first headed west on I-10 to Ehrenberg, Arizona and took a gravel road south along the Colorado River where we saw huge cotton fields being harvested. Along the edges of the fields the cotton had been pressed into huge bales. A little further we came to a cliff alongside the road that had a large honey bee hive in an opening in the cliff face. The bees could be seen flying in and out and many honey combs dangled from the ceiling of the opening like a large vertical venetian blind. A little farther on we crossed the river into California and traveled south through the small town of Palo Verde to the Palo Verde County Park on Oxbow Lake which is a narrow lake that branches off the Colorado River. It was a pretty scenic place. We then retraced steps somewhat back to the Arizona side of the river to the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge. Near the visitors center is a loop drive with a one-mile loop trail part way around the drive where we enjoyed a peaceful and scenic hike to a viewing blind. This overlooked a huge swampy field where literally thousands of Canadian Geese and a few Snow Geese were spread out before us making a lot of noise. We found that the noise was due to a coyote that was looking for lunch with no luck as clouds of geese took to the air in front of him and eventually settled back down. Along the trail we also saw a pair of mule deer and a number of different song birds. Once back in the car to finish the driving loop we saw Sandhill Cranes, many more geese, a Road Runner, hawks, a small Burrowing Owl, a large herd of deer and many more small birds. Around camp we have also seen numerous small quail, mourning doves and other birds. We then headed back through the tiny and very poor looking town of Ripley to Blythe, California where we had Chinese food for dinner and headed back to camp to witness another beautiful sunset.
Sun Dec 12
Today we attended church here at the branch in Quartzsite. The chapel and cultural hall were packed with about 98% of the congregation over 60. It was quite a different experience from times past in Island Park on Memorial Day with similar crowds but with a much more diverse age distribution. We have enjoyed another day in the lower 80's and I'm loving it! Today has been a time to catch up with internet business, talk to families and watch another beautiful sunset. Happy tenth birthday tomorrow to Travis McKnight!

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