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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yuma and Mexico

Wed Dec 22
Happy birthday today to Emilia and Avery! They look soooo cute and have really grown. Betty invited us over for breakfast to start the day. We then did some shopping and Dad and Keith went to glean broccoli and cabbage from fields already harvested. They then bought fruits at amazing bargain prices directly from the orchards. They came home with lemons, tangalos and grapefruit. Keith, Dad and I squeezed several pints of orange juice. Weather wise it has continued to rain off and on today but not a lot.
Thu Dec 23
We woke up to a bright sunny day and went with Keith, Betty and Paula to Los Algodones, Mexico just across the California border. We parked in a huge parking lot and walked across the border. There was absolutely no security check into Mexico. The streets were lined with sidewalk barkers for dental work, pharmaceuticals, liquors, jewelry, blankets, clothing and many forms of art and craft works. I bought some antibiotics at a pharmacy and four silver necklaces. Dad bought a custom-painted, personalized ammo can for his dune buggy tool box. We then sat and watched about a half hour while the artist painted it. He used spray paints and fire and dobbed what looked like sprayed paper with very little brush work for the details. It turned out absolutely beautiful. To me it looks too nice for the intended purpose. We had lunch while listening to live music under a huge tree in an open area surrounded by shops. Then to get back across the border we waited in a long line to go through customs. Upon returning back to Yuma Dad and I went to visit the Old Yuma Territorial Prison State Park in town. It operated from 1876 through 1909. To begin with it was built by the same inmates that were imprisoned there. There was a short video and many exhibits in the museum with much detail about inmates, their crimes and punishments and prison life in general. It is located on the banks of the Colorado River and the area is quite scenic with a couple of historic bridges across the Colorado River next to the prison. Toward evening we bid Betty and Keith adieu, started for the Phoenix area and stopped at a rest area just before dark for the night.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes! All that fresh stuff looked amazing. I have never been to Mexico. I bet that was interesting. Why did you buy antibiotics? The toolbox really is beautiful...I have a sneaking suspicion it isn't going to end up in the back of the dusty dune buggy. :) Love you.
