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Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13

We made the one-hundred-sixty mile round trip from the campground through the town of Dease Lake and down Telegraph Creek Highway to the town of Telegraph Creek today. Nearly the entire distance was on dirt/gravel road that was in fairly decent shape. The road was however unique in that there were many hairpin turns, narrow one lane stretches, steep cliffs both above and below much of the way and a number of 20% grades. The first thirty-five miles was also quite a slalom course with curves and up and down roller-coaster stretches. The road follows and crosses a number of streams and rivers, some of which travel through deep, narrow canyons. At one point we traveled along a stretch of rock one-hundred-fifty feet wide and four hundred feet down sheer cliffs to a river on each side for about a quarter mile just before the two rivers converged. The town itself, the old section, is much as it was in the late 1800’s when it was yet another gold mining town. The only way to describe the beauty and uniqueness is with pictures to come later. We did get to briefly see a Lynx cat that disappeared before we could get pictures but we did get some good pictures of a cute little fox that we saw jump on and devour a small rodent right at the side of the road. All in all this was another wonderful day!

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