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Friday, August 7, 2009

August 7

We stayed in Whitehorse another day. This morning we worked on Gene’s step again and found that the magnetic reed switch that senses the door open/closed is at fault. Mom and I then went to visit the art gallery at the college. It had some interesting paintings and a stuffed polar bear. We then got with Gene and Lynn for a short trip to the Takhini Hot Springs for a swim. They had a large hot pool and a larger cooler swimming pool and we thoroughly enjoyed a long soak and some exercise. On the way out in the dressing room an obviously European father had brought both his son and a young girl about twelve or thirteen years of age into the men’s dressing room with him. She was at the age to just begin to “bloom” and was going topless so we waited around to shower and dress until she went into the pool. It was a little awkward but from my experiences in Europe it was probably not too unusual for them. We then took a drive south of the city to Miles Canyon which has sheer rock walls through which the Yukon River flows. There was a narrow suspension bridge across the canyon that we walked across to hike for a ways down the far side. The canyon was very picturesque.

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