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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

July 31

We were essentially just passing a day with not much scheduled while waiting for our train ride tomorrow so I looked in the Mile Post for a hike nearby that wasn’t too long. About 30 miles back toward Seward, just a mile from the Trail Lake Fish Hatchery, was the trail head for the Carter Lake trail. No one else wanted to go so I was going to go alone and then Gene decided to go. Glenn also went along but went to the fish spawning viewpoint while Gene and I hiked. The trail led to Carter Lake and then on to Crescent Lake for a total of just over three miles each way. However, the first mile or more was very steep and rocky, crossing several small streams. The scenery was again spectacular but we were disappointed that we saw no wildlife at all in spite of posters at the trailhead warning of bears. When we returned we all got together for a halibut dinner with fish supplied by Don followed by dutch oven raspberry cake for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Dad you aren't allowed to hike alone. I'm so glad Gene went with you, but please for the sake of your children if there are signs warning of bears...bring a buddy...don't be stubborn :) Love you.
