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Friday, August 28, 2009

August 24

We drove across the provincial border into Alberta then into Jasper National Park and on to the town of Jasper where we did some looking around and then drove to Maligne Lake where we took the boat tour to the world famous Spirit Island (try googleing Maligne Lake and Spirit Island for more info). On the way we passed Medicine Lake which is a natural lake whose level fluctuates considerably and unpredictably due to some drainage system that is not well understood that comes and goes through the lake bottom. The lake level was quite low for our visit. The mountains in this area are the steepest and most solid rock, devoid of any kind of vegetation of any I remember seeing so far this trip. There are also incredible patterns in the rock. The scenery overall was fabulous on the lake. On the return trip to Jasper we took a hike down along the Maligne Canyon. This was the most incredible scenery ever with a canyon that was at times narrow enough it seemed you could jump across it yet it was over one hundred fifty feet or more deep for the most part with waterfalls along its length. At times it was so narrow and deep you could not even see the bottom. Even pictures could never describe this wonder of nature. After returning to Jasper we drove the short distance to both Pyramid and Patricia Lakes north of town. They were pretty but after what we had seen they seemed a bit mundane but we did see a pretty bull elk and get some pictures including a movie clip of him digging up bushes with his antlers. We then stopped at a combination KFC and Pizza Hut in Jasper for dinner and returned the twenty-two miles to camp.

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