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Friday, August 28, 2009

August 22

Happy sixty-fifth birthday, Gene! We spent the day touring Prince George today but moved camp to the overflow parking of a casino at the intersection of highway #16 (the one we are currently traveling east on) and highway #97 (the one we came through on when we were traveling north) because the noise at Wal-Mart was intolerable. We first visited the Saturday farmer’s market then took a walk along the Fraser River at Fort George Park. Next we visited the Railway and Forestry Museum and spent quite a bit of time there because there was so much of interest to see. Next we drove a few miles north of town and a little off the beaten path to Ferguson Lake, a pretty little lake on the property of a pioneer homestead for a picnic lunch. There we took a nature hike on a trail that circled the lake and included the ruins of the old cabin and associated structures. Gene and Lynn then tried their luck on the slot machines in the casino and then we went for a birthday dinner with Gene and Lynn to Boston Pizza where Mom and I shared a delicious baby back rib dinner with some very good mashed potatoes and a big salad.

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