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Friday, August 28, 2009

August 26

We left camp and retraced our steps from yesterday without stopping and just enjoyed the scenery. When we got to where we turned back yesterday the pace slowed significantly as the points of interest and the scenery was now new and still ever so fantastic. Our first stop was at Mistaya Canyon where another river had cut a very deep, narrow wandering canyon in the limestone. It was as fascinating and beautiful as the prior ones. We then passed Lower Waterfoul Lake for some very pretty pictures followed by a short, steep hike to overlook Peyto Lake. It seems all lakes in this area have a characteristic turquoise color but this glacial meltwater lake was the most pastel blue/turquoise of any we have ever seen. Finally it was Bow Lake and the Crowfoot Glacier. Shortly after that we came into the resort town of Lake Louise. I need to mention that the mountains lining either side of the valley continued to be steep, jagged, colorful and rocky with many hanging glaciers along the way. Earlier today the climb over Sunwapta Pass had the motor home straining in granny at twenty miles per hour for a long way up and granny plus brakes for a long, winding ride back down. In Lake Louise we found crowds, no parking for large vehicles and a full campground so we took highway #1A to the Protection Mountain campground. It was very tight to drive through but had vacancies for which we paid $21.50 to dry camp and another $8 if we wanted a campfire (which we didn’t). At camp we got together to decide our route from here home. Mom is getting anxious to be home so we have decided to bypass Calgary and take highway #93 from here to Kalispell, Montana where we will visit Glacier National Park before heading for the barn.

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