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Friday, August 28, 2009

August 25

This was our day trip down the Icefields Parkway almost ninety miles plus the trip from camp to the Parkway junction for a total of about two hundred twenty miles round trip. The Parkway is highway #93 in Alberta, Canada from Jasper to Lake Louise and is approximately one hundred forty miles of the most non-stop unbelievable scenery you can imagine. It travels through both Jasper and Banff National Parks. We took about one hundred fifty pictures along the ninety miles for an average of almost two pictures per mile. This is good because words cannot describe the beauty and variety of scenery and pictures have a difficult time but that is all we have besides our memories. We hope to share more than the precious few that we can post when we return home. Highlights were Horseshoe Lake, Athabasca Falls and canyon, Sunwapta Falls and canyon, the Athabasca Glacier, the Weeping Wall and numerous incredible mountains and valleys. Athabasca Glacier was neat because I actually walked on the glacier which originates in the Columbia Icefield to the west of the highway. This icefield is the largest icefield in North America. Our trip involved a number of hikes of varying length but nothing longer than one half hour. At the end of the day my eyes were almost tired of seeing so much beauty.

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