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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mesa Temple Trip

Mon Mar 21
Today was quite cool and raining off and on all day. We went down to the exercise room and worked out for a while then went for a swim. We had the pool to ourselves. There was absolutely no lightning anywhere but apparently no one else likes to swim in the rain. At night we watched the movie "Tombstone" since that bit of history took place down near Tuscon and we may go there on the way to Carlsbad.

Tue Mar 22
The sun was back today although still not real warm (upper 60's). We went to the Mesa temple this afternoon with the Bramwells. It was a great experience since Dad and I were invited to be the witness couple. The temple grounds were beautiful. Since Dick and Gayle are heading back to Arkansas next Monday our time to enjoy the company of these wonderful people is short.

Dick, Gayle, Me and Dad
North Side from Visitor's Center
West Side Patron Entrance
In the evening we went to Shapparts so Dad could try to help Jo with computer problems.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great site! I like the way you set this up! I like the pictures as well!...Daniel
