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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Winding Down

Tue Mar 29
This morning we did house cleaning and then I worked some more on my painting. It is now finished. How does it look?

While I was painting, resting and reading Dad was making preparations for our departure in a few short days including some trip planning on the way to Carlsbad Caverns and from there toward home. We will be spending a few days visiting and helping the families in Utah before we get back to Inkom some time around the middle of April. While at Aunt Eula's birthday party last Sunday Dad's cousins Norman and Kathy lent us an album with a brief photo history of the Walker family made following a reunion at his Grandma Damron's home in Inkom in 1953 that was apparently made by his Aunt Adrienne Worth. Dad scanned a number of Walker family pictures and recorded geneological data on his Walker cousins that he had been seeking. I then shopped for a pair of shorts but I could not find the color I wanted in my size. Dad got a movie instead. Oh well, there's always next year:)

1 comment:

  1. It looks wonderful. So glad you are doing art again! Love you guys.
