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Friday, March 18, 2011

A New St. Patrick's Day Experience

Thu Mar 17

This morning we went for a bicycle ride of about 8 miles to the East and North of the park. We stopped by Allen and Lois Sedgwick's place but they were not home. When we got back to the park it was time for the St. Patrick's Day parade by various park groups and residents. A parade of silver hairs in decorated golf carts was something new for us.

The Line Dancers Group

After the parade we went for a KFC lunch provided by the park in the clubhouse. It consisted of 2 pieces of fried chicken, coleslaw, mashed potatoes and gravy, a roll and an ice cream bar.

Then a professional saxophone artist named D.J. Wilkinson played for us. He was awesome! He had some of his CD's available and when he played Dad and I's song, "Unchained Melody," Dad had to have his "A Stroll Down Lover's Lane" CD.
In the afternoon we went to visit the Liljenquists and Gardners at their camp in the Lost Dutchman State Park campground. Dad helped Gene install his new solar panels and then we grilled hamburgers for dinner and visited before returning home for the night. It has been a fun day under sunny skies with temperatures in the upper 80's.

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